Grief could be used to transform our 4D body.

We are not just this body mind but we are beyond it too and this body mind is too small as compared to the beyond. Beginning with touching our body all around till infinite is part of our body called as ‘beyond’ which we all share as oneness. I use wave part of an atom in quantum physics as metaphor or as another metaphor i use 4th Dimension.

Read More Grief could be used to transform our 4D body.

energy is YHWH. QED – Hence proved.

If life is treated as a problem of mathematics, then it’s solution QED comes on its own ie Wu-Wei-Wu by ‘doing something’ or say ‘by practicing meditation’ or by personal prayer because we are included in its solution and it lies within us.

Read More energy is YHWH. QED – Hence proved.

अहंकार का वीआर हेडसेट लगाकर देखने के कारण ही जीवन में भ्रांति है, अन्यथा यह महज़ एक खेल है

सबसे पहले तो मैं यह बताना चाहता हूँ कि बुद्ध ने कहा हैं “बुद्धमशरणम गच्छामी, संघम शरणम गच्छामी, धम्मम शरणम गच्छामी,“ इसका मतलब यह है कि किसी व्यक्ति को यदि ख़ुद कि सच्चाई या आत्मज्ञान को प्राप्त होना है तो पहली प्राथमिकता यह है कि वह किसी आत्मज्ञानी व्यक्ति के पास जाकर रहने लगे। दूसरी […]

Read More अहंकार का वीआर हेडसेट लगाकर देखने के कारण ही जीवन में भ्रांति है, अन्यथा यह महज़ एक खेल है

भीतर का दीया कैसे जले? इस संसार में रहते हुए।

ओशो से इनके संन्यासी का प्रश्न : मैं स्वयं के लिए प्रकाश कैसे बन सकता हूँ? ओशो : ‘अप्प दीपो भव’ ये गौतम बुद्ध के अंतिम शब्द थे, उनके शिष्यों के लिए उनका बिदाई संदेश: “स्वयं प्रकाशवान हो जाओ”. (अप्प दीपो भव मतलब हमारे भीतर का दीया जल उठे और हम उसकी रोशनी या प्रकाश का उपयोग जीवन के हर निर्णय को लेने में करें तो हमारे निर्णय कभी ग़लत नहीं होंगे) लेकिन जब वे कह रहे हैं, “स्वयं प्रकाशवान हो जाओ” उसका मतलब यह नहीं है कि “अपने लिए एक प्रकाश बनो”. होने और बनने में बहुत फर्क है। बनना एक प्रक्रिया है; ( जैसे डॉक्टर बनना, इंजीनियर […]

Read More भीतर का दीया कैसे जले? इस संसार में रहते हुए।

मर जाने के भय को अमरता में रूपांतरित करना ही पुरुषार्थ है।

We live life in confusion and removing that confusion is purpose of this life which is gifted to us to live as a human being.

Read More मर जाने के भय को अमरता में रूपांतरित करना ही पुरुषार्थ है।

Buddhists and Jains persecuted in Ancient India.- Osho

It is a well known fact that Buddhism was thriving in India. India was progressing very rapidly under Buddhism as all major tourist attractions today are result of efforts of various Kings to spread the messages of Buddha. Everything that grows has to get reduced reduce to small size. Like formation of huge mountains leads to conversion of it into sand particles and getting settled at river beds.

Read More Buddhists and Jains persecuted in Ancient India.- Osho

Courageous and praiseworthy work by an honest advocate.

We have seen the result of Viral Video in Tamil Nadu against Bihari migrants. Had someone taken a quick action like this fellow has taken, situation could be brought in control without much loss.

Read More Courageous and praiseworthy work by an honest advocate.

Beginning of universe, Tao, Adwait Vedanta & Witness

I was answering questions related to spirituality. There were so many questions that I have to copy paste my answers or part of it many times. I needed to give link to my blog site so that a sincere seeker could get answered his remaining queries in future too. This one post is created to solve majority of the queries of such people.

Read More Beginning of universe, Tao, Adwait Vedanta & Witness

हम जागरूक होकर काम करें तो महल अपना ही बनेगा।

इतनी कहानियों को बचपन में सुना है कि बताना मुश्किल है कि किस कहानी ने क्या छाप छोड़ी लेकिन यह तो सच है कि जीवन में उन सब कहानियों से कई सूत्र बचपन में ही हाथ लग गये। जो फिर पूरे जीवन भर मुझे मार्गदर्शन देते रहे। बचपन में एक कहानी किसी ने सुनाई थी।जिसमें […]

Read More हम जागरूक होकर काम करें तो महल अपना ही बनेगा।

Thank you for visiting, sharing posts of blog site.

Through this post I tried to highlight the importance of a small act of kindness readers are doing by sharing a post. Not necessarily my posts but any post. All day our acts keep swinging between good and bad ones. When a person get connected with God and filled with Godliness, then such acts are performed.

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