Grief could be used to transform our 4D body.

We are not just this body mind but we are beyond it too and this body mind is too small as compared to the beyond. Beginning with touching our body all around till infinite is part of our body called as ‘beyond’ which we all share as oneness. I use wave part of an atom in quantum physics as metaphor or as another metaphor i use 4th Dimension.

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energy is YHWH. QED – Hence proved.

If life is treated as a problem of mathematics, then it’s solution QED comes on its own ie Wu-Wei-Wu by ‘doing something’ or say ‘by practicing meditation’ or by personal prayer because we are included in its solution and it lies within us.

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अहंकार का वीआर हेडसेट लगाकर देखने के कारण ही जीवन में भ्रांति है, अन्यथा यह महज़ एक खेल है

सबसे पहले तो मैं यह बताना चाहता हूँ कि बुद्ध ने कहा हैं “बुद्धमशरणम गच्छामी, संघम शरणम गच्छामी, धम्मम शरणम गच्छामी,“ इसका मतलब यह है कि किसी व्यक्ति को यदि ख़ुद कि सच्चाई या आत्मज्ञान को प्राप्त होना है तो पहली प्राथमिकता यह है कि वह किसी आत्मज्ञानी व्यक्ति के पास जाकर रहने लगे। दूसरी […]

Read More अहंकार का वीआर हेडसेट लगाकर देखने के कारण ही जीवन में भ्रांति है, अन्यथा यह महज़ एक खेल है

Beginning of universe, Tao, Adwait Vedanta & Witness

I was answering questions related to spirituality. There were so many questions that I have to copy paste my answers or part of it many times. I needed to give link to my blog site so that a sincere seeker could get answered his remaining queries in future too. This one post is created to solve majority of the queries of such people.

Read More Beginning of universe, Tao, Adwait Vedanta & Witness

Thank you for visiting, sharing posts of blog site.

Through this post I tried to highlight the importance of a small act of kindness readers are doing by sharing a post. Not necessarily my posts but any post. All day our acts keep swinging between good and bad ones. When a person get connected with God and filled with Godliness, then such acts are performed.

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Inner wealth is real as no one can steal it.

My comment: whole world is going to feel the heat of this fire by this ‘Con’. Be ready to pay! Or be ready to learn and take U turn inwards. Inner wealth is real, it cannot be stolen and increases by sharing. Just your two minutes of awareness meditation for personal growth in inner world […]

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Yoga and Awareness meditation cheat code.

Here is the post Derek Oliver posted on his LinkedIn account. My English is poor, pronunciation is further ahead of it. So I am using text to speech conversion to remove one hurdle at least. This way you may get a glimpse towards which I am pointing to, like it happens when you ask a […]

Read More Yoga and Awareness meditation cheat code.

transformation and it’s effects.

This is the first post created on 14th April, 2018 on word press to share my experiences with fellow travellers through internet. I am satisfied that this endeavour has helped at least one person. Through different metaphors mystics tried to point towards the inner richness of human being.

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Levels of love in journey from sex to superconsciousness

My English is poor, pronunciation is further ahead of it. Still I write so that you may get a glimpse towards which I am pointing to, like it happens when you ask a stranger in non-English speaking country about something and he or she tries to explain it. If you are thirsty of this knowledge, […]

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Osho for UPSC aspirants is possible by living spiritual materialism

While watching videos on Darshan uploaded at Vikas Divyakirti’s YouTube channel’s comment section. I am trying my best to let student get an overview of the impact osho was able to bring at world level. At local level every religion became more modern and pro for scientific acceptance. And get rid of few old and rotten traditions they used to feel proud of in following them.

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Functioning consciousness and pure consciousness as per OpenAI

What is impossible for OpenAI is very easy for any human being, still we fail to venture into that field and miss a great opportunity on daily basis. With hope that this post may be able to convey this message in right context to at least one person.

Read More Functioning consciousness and pure consciousness as per OpenAI

Stop! As Meditation for sudden enlightenment

A simple method for growth in inner journey that we unknowingly practiced in our childhood. The science behind it and how it helps in growing inner wisdom is described in this post using OSHO’s talk on Sufism.

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Don’t allow guilt to kill your capacity to Live, Love and Laughter.

In life the result of our actions follow immediately after its completion. When we touch a hot object mistakenly then it’s effect is felt immediately. So there is nothing like Karma, it is just a subtle way of inducing guilt in us.

Read More Don’t allow guilt to kill your capacity to Live, Love and Laughter.